About us
We support students to venture all possible sphere, unveil their talents and evolve to their best self.
The Trust is formed by the beneficiaries of Ambedkar's endeavours to upholding and advancing his visionary ideas - "A mission to Words Ambedkar Vision". Ambitions of the Trust To identify orphans,children of single parents,and the poor from the underprivileged classes who have the talent,but don't have financial means and proper guidance, who are unable to take advantage of the available opportunities, and provide them with higher education and career guidance to make them better and better citizens....

What do we do?
At Spruha, we promote selfless, voluntary service in the spheres of education support to the people in meeting out their need based requirements both financial and non financial. Provide scholarship/Financial help to Orphans, Semi Orphans, poorest of the poor urban/rural student to pursue the professional courses like engineering ( IIT, NIT,IIIT and prestigious government institutions), Medicine (AIMS, JIPMER naad reputed medical colleges), management and other higher courses by providing long-term coaching in the corporate colleges. We organize health awareness camps, blood donation camps and conduct promotional and training programmes like Career Buliding Programme, entrepreneurial development programmes, executive development programs. Nurturing and developing the potential of the Under privileged Students, We work towards uplifting the deprived through education. We raise funds through donation or subscription and other means and invest money or incur expenditure in such manner as shall promote the attainment of aims and objectives of the "SPRUHA"
Right Action Makes Bright Nation !


To make as many students as possible aware of the importance of education, inculcate social consciousness and strive for social equality.

To produce 100 IITians and 50 doctors through the trust in next 10 years.

To strive for the educational development of socially, economically and politically disadvantaged children educating about constitutional values, rights and responsibilities.

To Bring awareness among the students and provide them with education, job and political opportunities inherited by the constitution.

To work hard for the welfare of the poor SC, ST, BC and minorities to make them industrialists, investors and entrepreneurs in the long run.

Ambitions of the Trust To identify orphans, children of single parents, and the poor from the underprivileged classes who have the talent, but don't have financial means and proper guidance, who are unable to take advantage of the available opportunities, and provide them with higher education and career guidance to make them better and better citizens. The main objective of the trust is to produce 100 IITians and 50 doctors in the next 10 years through this trust. For the realization of this ambition, this trust strives to do our best for the upliftment of the underprivileged communities with the cooperation of like-minded employees, teachers, businessmen and organizations.